Trust the Process

I wanted to share a little bit about my process.

I start at point A, i think its going to point B, than theres a storm, I have to let go all my ideas and listen to what is happening, not what i wanted it to be. Than I fall into bliss in point C.

Sounds familiar? I bet this happened to you already.

I think the entire Art education should be about learning to trust this process.

One second you are a pro doing your job, in the other you are a drowning sailor. Feeling sea sick, loosing faith in your self, looking for crumbles of logic, what works and than boom, the light in the end of the tunnel…

Here is the process of the last work, it illustrate it so beautifully.

It started here, what a nice perfect universe where everything makes sense

Than drops came into play the waves were high and no one new if we were going to get out in one pieace

Than the sun came, I relaized that by doubeling the lines i can get a clearer image. I still got to keep the vibration of the drops but they are contained.

To my surprise, I started basket weaving the overlaps, because the lines are so wide. in the end I felt like I was in an Esher painting, tring to connect all the lines to some kind of continuity.

Now we are in the knot theory land. Now I sit and look at the line, trying to understand what goes were.

There are two loops intertwined here.

This was a great ride.

This one and a bunch of other big B&W works will be exhibited in Dallas university in February 2024. Together with the colourful work of Lizzie Scott, under the curating eye of Jacqueline Sterling from Gut Gallery its going to be amazing.

I will keep you updated.
