When I took live model classes, the thing I noticed the most was how different everyones works are. Beautiful in their own way but so so different. When I went to the movies with a friend, I remember my surprise to discover they had a totally different experience of the same scenes. When I look at my kids I see one loves pasta in tomato sauce more than anything in the world and another wont touch a tomato with a stick.
You see were this is going.
Being different people means we are different people. Since when thats a bed thing? why are we acting surprised? When an entire country votes to the same (and only) candidate we call it a tyranny. When in a couple one imposes their ideas and actions on the other we call it abuse. When in school a kid imposes himself on others we call him a bully. And yet now, respected liberals, sensitive souls, and beautiful creatives of all walks of lives are saying reductive things about people thinking differently from them.
Are we being helpful ?
The sport’s ‘US vs THEM’ mentality can not be a model for solving complex challenges. We must remember outside the stadium there is no US or THEM only WE. A country can fight a neighbour country, but when there is no rain everyone will be thirsty, borders won’t change.
‘DIVIDE and CONQUER’ manipulations translates to us through the media as ‘US vs THEM’ social pressure. Every time there is a burning subject that divides us, it is actually serving the controlling interests of our rulers. They know which buttons to push. And we give away our most sacred human rights without a fight .
When presented with two sides we should always look for a third way. There is no winners when sides are taken. WIN-WIN is 100% better than WIN-LOOSE.
We are currently attempting to manage a global crises with a strategy of one valid narrative . Because of social media, our personal responsibility is huge in what we are publicly posting. Are we to break each-others hearts and bones to try to get our narrative in place first? What if we released ourselves form the oppression of the ONE narrative and build a conversation instead. A dialogue. Different valid narratives. A collective exhibition if you like.
What happen if we don’t stop the us or them train? the subject will change and every Tuesday a new group will be targeted under a new issue. Us or them is a weapon. It can and will be used against the people who created it… us.
“You have your way. I have my way.
As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way,
it does not exist.” - Nietzsche.